Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in the first session?

Initial sessions of therapy are primarily about getting to know each other and hearing about what brings you in. I may ask more questions than in a typical session in order to understand the background details. If there is a lot of context you’d like to share, I may primarily listen. The first session is not about unpacking all of a client’s traumatic history. It is better to pace ourselves as we get to know each other.

Will my sessions be covered by insurance?

Many extended health plans offer some coverage for working with Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC). You can check with your insurer to see if they offer coverage. I provide receipts with my registration number that you can submit for reimbursement.

How long does therapy take?

In some cases a short period of therapy is all that is needed, but I would be wary of anyone promising major change after just a few weeks. The research makes it clear that significant psychological change typically begins after several months of regular therapy. For some people, the therapy relationship can last for years.

What is the cancellation policy?

As it can be difficult to fill in a missed session time on short notice, the full fee will be charged if less than 48 hours cancellation notice is provided. Exceptions may be made in the case of an emergency.

Is what I tell you completely confidential?

Confidentiality is a huge part of what makes therapy work and is a part of the ethical policy I am obligated to work under. Rest assured that therapy conversations are confidential. There are three conditions under which all therapists are required by law to break confidentiality: 1) If a client’s records are subpoenaed by a court of law 2) If a minor or vulnerable adult is at risk of harm 3) If there is a substantial risk of serious imminent harm being inflicted by the client on themselves or on another.